The young women are important dawg

 I'm tired of having to play catchup everyday so late into the night because I was too lazy to write the day before but the laziness only makes for more laziness. One has to power through the boredom of constantly churning bullshit for days to an end and then doing it over and over again in bulk three days later.

So this is a rough post. It's an ideas thing, something I want to turn into a good piece that I'll get published in a paper or a journal or something physical. Medium maybe. Gotta get the eyeballs, all that matters.

we must care for young women, because teenage girls cannot do anything without being judged for their choices, they cannot like older rockstars for they are put in a vulnerable position and made fun of, they cannot like younger performers for the performers are degenerated and their choices made fun of, they cannot like long novels for their passions are mocked, liking poetry that they identify is not cool because the poetry is shallow and vain, their involvement in politics is selfish and hypocritical, and then there's the regular misogyny of being a young woman, their security is always uncertain, there's repression from family, their choices are severely limited, there's systematic discrimination in each layer of government and politics, if they aren't horny they're prude and homely if they are they're stupid sluts, if they care about something they're obsessive maniacs if they don't they're like boring stupid dead people, if they're into girly things they're fake feminists, if they're not they're tomboys or potentially gay.

Women, specially young women, must be given the privilege of making mistakes and making through it safe and sound, back for another battle. We must allow for women to be lame, lazy, stupid, annoying or any other negative things because the standards for them are very different than what men are held to. It is important to judge those qualities for themselves, and not associate the gender with them.

TO begin, to start the fire the great fucking conflagration that'll bring everything down, start with tiny sparks. Make young women, in their late teens and early twenties feel uncomfortable and dissatisfied with the system they're in. Make them understand that it is not their fault, that they have done everything that was expected of them, and they're being punished for no fault of theirs. Make them understand that rebellion is an option -- if they choose to they can completely subsume to the system and that's fine, but they can choose not to, that's an option. Give them the 'choice', to surrender or to not, and respect them for the decisions that go either way. Because one day, even if they choose to surrender to the system, one day when they want yet another choice, they'll realize their choice severely limits their future options, and they'll join the rebellion. You can only tolerate an unjust and unfair for so long even when you're benefiting from it.. The war's going to be a long one, but each one starts with the strike of a matchstick of knowledge and conversation.

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