The craving for crappy, cheap(?) food

There's food, good food and crappy food.

Sometimes you just want to eat shit food.

It's how the human body works. It craves for the greasy disgusting arse-blasting burgerking and some tummychurning unidentified mess of brown sludge to go with it. It is literally the law of biology.

Sometimes I want to get tackoebell so mad, the cheap but filling mostly tasteless still so worth it and tell people and they're like, oh you want tackoes why not go to a better place and I'm like yeahhh I'm not, just the 'bell but I don't say that because what kinda' cheapass person craves for just the bells taco so one ends up not eating taco at all. Alas.

Here's the amazing thing about tacobell, for a buck sixty you can get a nice snack that'll fill you up for a couple of hours, the situation's bit trickier if you don't eat meat but not too far so. Yes, the 'bell's stopped serving the veggie-friendly dishes such as potatoes etcetera, but still it's not the worst in the world. For a buck fifty what else are you gonna get. 

Not that they taste amazing, not at all, and often they'll make you regret why you originally thought it'd be a good idea. You'll come around eventually and realize it's a fair trade, the excitement is like riding a rollercoaster where the risk is shitting your pants instead of like getting a heartattack or falling off the 'coaster and dying.

I didn't end up going to taco bell the other day, it was late in the day but more importantly I was far too embarrassed to do the deed. There is a healthy fear of disappointment as well...what if it's not filling enough what if it's really really bad and this is all just some romanticizing bullshit.

Funny thing about those cheap crappy fast-food places, they can end up not being cheap in the final calculation. Roommate BB will often order $20/$25 worth of McD and get it all down in one meal. He could've gotten much tastier, filling and self-respectable food at any other place, but he doesn't. Interesting thing, that.

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