Apparently my friend is hot

 Not much to say here.

I was talking to friend PA a few weeks ago and she says, ohhh your friend, that one friend of yours the guy friend, he's quite hot, I found him cute, it's a pity we might be related and far cousins but I know a few girls who had a thing for him and talked about it, we were always surprised he didn't do anything with a girl friend of ours, who everybody considers to be so cute, so that was strange, but what a cute dude he is. And I'm like aaah frak, whatever, so strange.

Because when you're hangin' with the gang you don't consider yourself different from any other member of the pack, you think as goes your friend so goes the pack, not allowing for individual differences in sociability and as it appears, attractiveness. Women are cute, you think, men go after 'em, nobody would be obsessed after your friend and people are most certainly not talking about him etcetera.

Also, it sucks.n w

How do you work with what you got when you have a smarter, hotter, more flirtier, capable person doing what he does best, as you try your best not to stare at them girls too hard, not to scare them off running into the wilderness of Manhattan darkness. They're both kinda' tipsy and so friendly, you're sober and bored, trying so hard to just be heard and seen but they don't care because the hottie is by them telling their curls and highlights look amazing, a bit like Lady Di, and you're hoping your facts about the death masks in Papua New Guinea will impress them. Not going to work.

Hurray yet another successful interaction with a woman!

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