Fundamental forces fight

Narain narain you didn't have to tell me when to come bro, I was on my way anyway

Yeahh I wanted to make sure you were aware of the issues we've been having man, it's it's not been easy recently, you know with the changes and all, like you guys really screwed the pooch on this one I'm tellin' ya'. Whoever thought it'd be a good idea to put in all those loopholes, in a manner that's looking more and more like intentional...should be...fired...or something, this is not cool at all. You guys get all the glory yeah, fuckin' get loved by every goddamn insect and bug around, and we're the ones to suffer. If for a moment y'all took some time to consider the impact your actions might have on the downstream, you know instead of treating this as a popularity contest, things would be great for us all, not just my team you know for you guys as well. Since we're calling you every so often to clear up the mess you've is only decent to expect those guidance.

It's not like we're trying to fuck y'all over knowingly dude. We are bound by the rules just the same as we are. We can't just be like, oops sorry bruh can't do this nomore cos guys downstream are gonna be so grumpy and mad at us. We're not the rulemakers, we just implement the existing books, our mandate's what guides us. And listen bud I hear yeah, we create the mess and you guys have to suffer, but we don't choose to give your folks crap, it just turns out that way. Nobody wants to create more gruntwork for themselves yeah, and more work for you means more work for us. It''s understandable, but our hands are tied.

Welll...see that's where I disagree with you. If it was all a straight-edge things, if all the laws and rules were clear-cut and just a matter of implementation, where does your judgement even lie, what are you guys in there for. It's not like the machines couldn't do those. You don't have to micromanage every being, every drop of water, ever fragrance of flower. Because it's all automated, there have been enough rules and the mechanisms to implement them set that the world knows how it should act. You guys are given the work you've been given because it's too complicated. Which means you surely get a say in whether you want to go along or not. And you could just say, no, I'm not going to let you do so-and-so know, use your ability to interpret those laws. If somebody said, I want this entire creation to be destroyed for ever and for all eternity, and if the rules allowed for that, you wouldn't happily nod and go along with the ridiculous asks. If you could just extend the courtesy towards us, you know, that would be a big win for everyone here. Like you said, we're on the same team after all.

Okay yes, true we get some leeway with our judgments, and we've been given benefit of doubt in the past. But that doesn't mean it's our say completely. When we are audited, and audits happen all the time, it is not a good look for anybody to be caught with our pants down. We are only the implementors, we do not make the rules of the world. If the suggestion is that we paper over the more subtle aspects of our judgments and knowingly be ignorant, our intentions are unlikely to be opaque. We will be punished like a rat who's dropped from a great height by an eagle onto the rocks is. We cannot go against the rules.

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