If it's a bad year for relationships, who's having fun?

We've touched this topic tangentially in the recent days, I want write about this in detail now.

This year has been terrible for relationships and single people in general hasn't it?

Couples who were coupling up at the start of the lockdowns were forced to move in or stay apart for long periods of time, making choices they'd otherwise not have made under saner conditions. Either way it was a test of relationships. Even for those that did make it pretty far, there was nothing good to do out of the house. No exciting trips, house parties picnics with friends museum trips or cute romantic getaways. No diffusing the tension in a large group of people if you're following the rules. Your options are extremely limited. Unless you were planning on going steady with the person anyway, you were put in quit a tough spot. So clearly it was not a great year to be in one of those new or new-ish relationships.

Obviously for people who were not partnered up yet things were even worse. Online dating is already a crapshot and toxic if I may say so, this year didn't help with those issues. Additionally, people who were already out and about meeting people before couldn't do that anymore. What could be worse than 'online dating', literally talking to somebody for months and months and months, not really meeting them, not getting anywhere, or risking great things.

And then there was the politics, men are more conservative and republican-leaning, women are less so. Issues of race and gender are dividing across the sexes. Google and facebook and youtube are further radicalizing men towards scary radical inceldom. It is genuinely concerning. 

The single people are getting lonelier, their chances of getting coupled up are vanishing away. Those who were getting into partnerships have had their relationships greatly tested. Hundreds of thousands, millions of relationships that otherwise would have been didn't. And looking at the state of affairs, they likely never will because people are just tired, it's just passed over now. Also, nobody wants to be with crazy incels, that is another deal the society will have to deal with.

Who's having fun anymore? Why do people insist on putting themselves through this.

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