Clubhouse convos, bus to Belltown, I save myself, packing A's place, unpacking at storage, Thai dinner, hang at B's, trainride home [Sun 20]

 Not fully recovered from the days and nights before, I slept in. Setup my clubhouse fully, talked in Yd's channel, setup a couple more channels and listened to them and thought there might be something in there after all.

Around 11, called A and checked if there was any help he still needed, and he asked me to come. Got a bus to his place, without getting lunch or anything.

Turns out they had ended up not really moving much the night before besides the couch, which meant I had the opportunity to take back the backstabbing I did the night before. Worked hard at packing his apartment into a U-Haul truck. Worked for two hours, then we chilled at his rooftop, the amazing one with mindblowing scenery for what could have been the last time ever. End of an era.

Two of us drove in the UHaul to the storage place, A and I took uber. There we spend another two hours unpacking and arranging the items in their storage space, which was already half-full with B's belongings. Retrieved some commonly-used items such as vacuum, wood steamer, and basic kitchen implements for my apartment.

We went to a local restaurant called Buddha Brudda for dinner, which A got for us. It was so filling, after a long hard day of not having had anything before. It was all of us, nobody else had had anything over the course of the day, so we savored our meal. Need to write about this place a bit more, because never before have I seen a restaurant quite as popular or in demand, and it wasn't entirely super cheap either. I'm impressed!

After that we went to B's place where we put the remainder of the items that we're going to retrieve for our apartments in the foreseeable future (since B was going to be out of town for a while). Talked to his friend V (though the initial might be wrong) who told us stories about things done in the back of a Uhaul truck, and a GMC store with firemen. Plus I got sparkly water, a watermelon gigglies. Also played with two chubby huskies, owned by V, and now I'm starting to think owning a Husky in Seattle weather is not a good idea since they shed so much.

Took an uber to the nearby train stop, got off at my neighborhood and walked home in the evening.

Listened to a bunch of more Clubhouse stories etc, and discovered maybe it's not for me, considered deleting it forever.

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