Some thief's logbook, probably

I'm all ready in my getup. A dark jacket, long workman-like trousers and heavy boots. Shiny yellow windcheater on the outside, and a very durable hard hat on top. Put on my gloves, just to make sure nobody gives me suspicious looks, and a nonsensical ID card showing, just to scare of those nosey Nellies.

Near the target region. Traffic is low, nobody seems to be unreasonably interested in what I'm up to. I'll scope the area for a few minutes before taking out the equipment and getting on the job.

Fuck, I forgot to bring the bag to carry all of the acquired materials. Geeeez, now I gotta go back, fuck, I should get better at this sort of thing. I should really have made a checklist like they told me to, but nooo I had to be overconfident and tell them that any idiot would be able to remember the basics. Egg on my face now, alas.

Phew. I'm sweating and panting, but at least the sun's not out fully yet, still room for me to maneuver where I want to be. Right, morning joggers are running about now why do they have to do that, can't they sleep peacefully during the weekend, get drunk in the evenings and sleep late and not bother honest working people from accomplishing their tasks. Gotta try to not look shifty, the team told me my eyes could communicate that I was in the mood for thievery to the least suspecting person, gotta have a more calm look.

Just thought of something. This is a wonderful time to be doing this work, with the pandemic and all, nobody will suspect a thing. And they won't be able to tell me it was me, with the mask and the cap, I'll be lost in the night like a shadow.

Just as I had sat down to begin the extraction, the stupid trash trucks showed up. Now they're creating this mayhem and the neighbors are pissed. The sun's gonna be out soon, this may have to be delayed, the folks are going to give me a really hard time.

Fuck me, the sun's out, the partiers are coming out of their after-parties, all eager and suspicious and anxious, there's no way I can work among these turds. And one of them threw up right where I was planning to situate myself to do the uhhh.extraction. This is some shit. Get your lives together, people, workout and drink a lot of water. Why do I have to pay for these hosers' healthcare system, I don't want to be contributing towards kidney correcting surgeries for these assholes who suck the rest of us dry, let me tell you what...


Oops, got a little distracted there, with the previous post, and now the street cleaners are roaming. Ah well, it was a good recon project, gonna be back tomo.

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