Finally so close to settling in the new place

Have started making rice and veggies on a regular basis, tomato-based sauces, leftovers for multiple meals, cooking while I work, and doing the dishes much closer to using them. I feel like I'm finally settling down in the new places.

Some things remain. Still need to work on four large laser-cut pieces of decoration that are to go on the walls of my living room. A wall of plants by the window to hide the emptiness of the apartment, but also to muffle sounds and suppress the echo in the apartment is pending as well. Two plants -- both succulents -- have made themselves at home in the apartment, and are just now beginning to thrive.

Which means I'm about ready to get bored of the situation and explore new projects. My fermentation and brewing projects await. The indoor DIY fountains are the first 'new' greenfield project I'll be taking, and it'll be my exploration into the new-hobby territory.

Used books will be acquired, and so will empty bell jars for my creations and experiments to live in. Maybe a nice loud bluetooth speaker to hang somewhere because the loudest noisemaker right now is my work laptop and it doesn't feel right playing music in it.

Things are settling down, three weeks into moving in.

As for what is new and different, let me start with the neighborhood, obviously. Everything's here, my grocery trips are lot shorter. Not in a bad way, it means I can carry even fewer items on my daily trips, if that is even possible. I've gotten used to the sounds of the city, and sleep comes more easily amidst the...and I say this in the most loving way possible...raucous.

I haven't hosted anybody yet. Folks have come by, but I'm not yet confident of my cleaning and hosting skills...or my cooking skills for that matter but not as worried there I just pretend to be more interested in 'experimental cooking' and that kinda gets rid of the complainers...enough to have people over. And how would I even entertain them, without a television or a sound system? Speaking of which, a smallish television is on the way here, from A's place in the coming weekends, along with a bunch of nifties from his place. Gonna make my life much easier, those things.

Generally though, I'm hoping to avoid collecting more things. It's not a permanent move, and the command to come back to regular location can come down any week. One hopes such things are avoidable, but when push comes to shove, aren't we mere dead leaves in the river that is life, pushed around by boulders and diversions?

Anyway. I uh got distracted there for a moment.

Where I was going was, I'm gonna be RULE-ing soon. Watch out.

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