I've (finally) completely totally moved into my new apartment

 As these shitty habits go, I'm writing this a week after the date I'm backdating it as, but I've finally fully moved into the apartment, cleared out the trash from the original move-in, and am comfortably in my house. I've got plates, I've got carpet, and I've got pans. No wall decorations, no further projects, and no vacuum etc, but that's because of other, unrelated messy reasons, not because I haven't moved in.

In other news, yeah, I'm so terribly behind on everything this blog related, I've been questioning the value of even writing here. It's not a journal anymore, and what's the fun in doing something that's very chorelike.

And then I realized the problem, something I used to complain for like every third post back in the day two years ago but I stopped doing since: that I need proper discipline and checklists and timetable to do things, and without that I lose my thread of organization. Some things will push further, like a good workspace, but even then, when you don't have much motivation, or organization, it'll only go so far. SO now I've been working towards creating a writing schedule. Stay tuned. Blah blah.

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