Pre departure hang

The title I came up with two weeks ago, but it's not necessary to write in the present tense for this.

Anyway, two point five hours of the final six hours of my stay in Boston, I hung out with Sk. I needed to give them a painting that I'd bought a long time ago, overpaid for it but totally emotionally connected to it. We got crepe in Mr. Crepe, my go-to place to take somebody new to town. We talked and chilled and made plans for the future, just argued and bs, so much fun. Wrote poems about each other, and told things about eyes and getting lost in them yadda yadda yadda, it could have been mistaken for something entirely different which it was not alas.

And then -- since it was still muggy and raining and everything was in a rush -- before I left, I shouted at her that I was sure I'd see her in Seattle, and she had to absolutely meet me there no matter what and I was counting on that.

Sometimes you hang out with people for days and weeks and years and just can't figure them out at all, and sometimes you've barely talked to them for a few short hours and the blocks just fit and you can talk to each other in the same frequency, you know? Even though, with much of those situations there's somebody else who's probably talking to them in similar frequencies but higher amplitudes so the entire communication protocol is a mess because of the stupid interference.

And then it makes you want to write poems, and posts about what a wonderful time you're having, and then questioning your life decisions and actions, and how they're perceived, and you begin evaluating your entire fucking life, wondering if you're doing something long because is everybody else having such amazing times too, or is this forbidden and you're supposed to have a more staid time?

I'm overselling the situation probably, but I hung out with a friend right before departure, and it was so great. Gonna be missing people.

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