No, no, big brother's not watching you at all

 You are thoroughly mistaken if you think big brother is watching you. It's such a ridiculous idea even, to think the government would even care about watching you. Big brother don't give an eff about you hoser, auright, with all those enemies of the state plotting things and the wars going on. Bro's got a tight sched.

Ohh yeah, what, lol you think all those private companies collecting information is all big brother? Lol get a life okay it's just consensual business transaction between two parties, one of whom has complete information regarding the use of the shared data, the legal limits of how the data can be squeezed out of every last cent, and the other party who's just desperate to watch a cute cat video who doesn't care that they just signed away all their memories and cherished conversations with the click of a very aggressively written button. Two fully-informed consenting parties who know perfectly what they are signing up for, and there's no reason to worry about such things, whatsoever. If you stop that, you'd be stopping all businesses and transactions between all parties, forever, we wouldn't want to do that, would we?

And besides, there are rules, and laws, that limit the power of the government. The government can't just snoop on you at its whim, somebody has to make a case for it, they have to file a petition for a search warrant, a judge has to find that there's a good case for you to be tapped of your information, and then using the very limited jurisprudence provided by the court governments, they will tap on your communication. Not a byte of data beyond what is strictly required of the case, okay, get your aluminum foil hat off, dummers.

Oh what about that? You're saying the government shouldn't be allowed to do business with private businesses? Are you a communist or what? If the government can be let to buy nuts and bolts from companies owned by private citizens, if the state is able to purchase various physical equipment and materials, why should they not be allowed to purchase digital information. Just like physical documents but with fewer trees dying, omg do you hate trees and the environment? Government should be encouraged to buy more digital materials, alright!? This is good for all of us!

I mean, yeah, might some of those information involve the things the government might be interested in, with regards to compromising your privacy? Yes. Are there legal hurdles to stopping that? Suspiciously, no. Is it functionally no difference from the big brother putting eyes and ears in your apartment, doing massive data analysis on every single point from your life, including your moods, motivations, your heart rate, your physical status, your relationship status and everything else there is to know about you, perhaps even more than you know about yourself? Absolutely not. But come on, why would anybody do that! That's just...waste of money.

So, no, nobody is watching you, the big brother is certainly not, you're just a part of capitalist system where you pay various companies with data, and they sell other companies ads but also get you incredibly powerful information and resources for free. Isn't that such a great deal? Stop complaining and just move along, alright? You don't want us to reveal what you've been searching on the dirty sites, publicly, do ya? ;)

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