The AMC Experience: First theater visit in toomany years

 Yesterday, Monday,  went to the AMC theater in Downtown Seattle to watch the F9 movie. The primary motivation was to escape the killer heat but it felt good to be in an enclosed space with hundreds of other people, maskless, and watch the most ridiculous and stupid but exceedingly entertaining movie. This however is no review for the movie. Instead I want to talk about the theater experience itself.

I don't remember when I last went to a theater to watch a movie. It was probably the summer of 2018 when Moviepass was big and folks with those wanted everybody else to pay the full price and go with them. Possibly earlier. Regardless, it felt like I was back in my post high-school days, going to see the movies by my own volition. The major difference being then I didn't have to pay for the movies or the snacks, but now I gotta get the moolah out for everything out from my pocket.

The AMC theater is in a nice mall, very convenient. It's on the top floor, as expected. The roof has glass sheets which was awful for yesterday because of the greenhouse effect going on despite the heavy airconditioning going on. Beyond that, staying in the line wasn't too painful. It was a bit surprising to see probably hundreds of people lining for a movie on Monday midday.

The ticket was nine bucks something, including all taxes which was very reasonable.

Because of the heat, I hadn't had much until the evening besides a banana, so decided to get something big for snacks. It was a choice between large popcorn or mac-n-cheese balls and I choose the balls. With a bottle of water. Wrong choice on both counts, IMHO.

Because there were only like 8 balls of deep-fried man-n-cheese, and I was done in two minutes, with nothing to do for the rest of the movie. And the water cost me five bucks. The ticket was nine, the snacks were sixteen, quite ridiculous. And the food was more expensive than popcorn, while lasting nowhere as long. Bummer, I know better now. It was obviously frozen and heated in an oven (hopefully, and not a microwave) but it tasted good when dipped into marinara sauce, also provided.

Clean restrooms, respectful viewers, great big screen, and comfy seats, nothing else I got to complain about besides the pricey snacks. If only somebody else had gone with me, to split the popcorn, it'd have averaged down to sensible rates. And I should have asked for a free cup of water, and not thrown the pointless five buckaroos at a small bottle of Dasani.

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