How I'm dealing with the heat dome situation, tryina freeze my way out

So, as I wrote just now, the heat around here is oppressive, intolerable, historic, and goddamn awful specially for somebody who moved to the region to avoid the temperature extremes of Boston.

Because Seattle has traditionally been a moderate climate place, with maybe a slight tilt towards the chillier side in the winter, there's heating options available on most buildings, but cooling systems aren't usually available even in pretty decently recent apartment complexes. Because nobody thought the temperatures would get this high in Seattle of all the places. My apartment is one of those places. No AC, no fan because I didn't realize this would happen until it was too late, and no other cooling options.

So I had to figure out the alternatives.

First, I froze maybe ten galloons of water in all the containers I had into bricks of ice, that I can then strategically place around the room to cool the place. Think of large cubes of ice as thermal batteries of sorts: I'm creating heat on cooler days to run the freezer to generate ice that I'll use on warmer days. I'm 'paying' the heat cost out of pocket to get a bit of relief on much hotter days.

Second, I've put large pieces of cardboard strategically placed around the apartment, sprinkled water on them until they're dripping. This is using the 'evaporative' cooling to keep the temperatures in the tolerable range. As the water picks off heat from the surroundings to evaporate, it decreases the ambient temperatures in the area. There's far more effective ways to do it, but this will work when there's not many other options.

Third, go to friends with AC for decent period of times. I'm going to friend S's place in a few hours to avoid the main intolerable part of the heat wave.

Fourth, dip in the lake to cool your body and let the water take the heat of the environment.

Fifth, go to restaurants and movies to cool yourself down. That's my plan for tomorrow, when temperatures will go as high as 110 F in the evening, and since it's still technically work hours I can't bother my friends. Instead I'll go to the movies to watch F9 the movie, and have a grand ole' time cooling myself down in the show.

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