Hell hath broken loose: The Nepali clubhouse scene

 I joined Clubhouse --  the (now) popular radio broadcasting app that you can't record audio using, or do anything else, besides doing public podcasts -- the other day because YD asked me to, she had an online meeting thing, and wanted me to join the panel just to think out aloud if nothing else.

And it was...alright? The group was mostly persons in their mid-to-late thirties talking about how marriage is not a big deal at all, and you don't need to get married, you do you man. Etcetera. Obviously it was all the singles, mostly, so one could safely imagine this as a coping mechanism. There were also a few other folks, folks who were already married and were kinda' not sure where the life was going, wondering if they should have made other life choices, explored other possibilities and looked into a different way of life. But they had a kid and it was an arranged marriage and nobody can blame other people entirely for the situation they find themselves in, in those specific social circumstances. Still, there are brave people out there who despite the shitty hand dealt to them by life will keep fighting on, on and on and on, until they're beaten black and blue, and still go on because giving up means giving up on life, and they're born fighters. Envy is the only word I can use to describe them...I envy them, that they have the gumption to speak out and talk about their issues despite the complicated set of circumstances they find themselves in. I wish I could write on this more.

YD's group had like 30 people at one point, and I saw a former miss Nepal (!), somebody who I thought back in the day was superduper cute and wrote about her too, briefly jump in and out. Probably the closest encounter I've had with her. She cute though. Looks like S. Gomez.

In any case, because the conversation got wayyyy heavier than I was expecting, I was jumping around between it and a 'movie review' conversation hosted by somebody I used to know from back in the day. Mostly them and their friends, but there were like 15 people max there, just discussing this random movie. It was interesting to see.

And then. In the evening I was recommended a group, and it was terrible. A 'come single, go double' sort of events featuring hundreds of young girls and boys in Nepal, hosted by a couple of creepy dudes in the bay area, who were pretty clearly using the platform as a filter for themselves to get to know more women. And I'm sure it works out for everybody because the girls want to be a part of it too, but still feels a bit gross, you organize a 'dating show' and then become contestants on every round, daily, and get yourselves dozens of women. Didn't seem right, my mind was already blown.

That was until...I heard of the other...shows. Hundreds of young men and women, all um..on the hormed side, doing public voice-based sexual performance, a mass orgy of horny young voices dirty-talking with each other. I'm glad I actually never joined the room, just looked at the name of the group and deleted my account, uninstalled the app and told everybody who's ever replied to my texts about what a wild and crazy world it is out there on Clubhouse.

Things be wild, yo, dunno how it's gonna go.

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