Ramblings from a very confused mind, ramble ramble

Just write some bullshit, one has to, even if that's fiction the temperature outside is unbearably hot and there's not much in the way of reprieve, one must go on and on, until something pops or breaks. Even if the temperatures are so goshdarned high your keyboard and laptop give your hand a mild burn and you want to avoid resting your hand on there. It's as if somebody left the oven on, for three weeks, and comes back to find nothing burned down but everything suspiciously hot to touch but whatareyou gunna do, gotta live.

These days have been few and far in between in the recent days, because nobody imagined one would find themselves in a situation where thoughts refuse to come into the noggin because the body is in a self-preservation mode, creativity needs at least some sort of guarantee that the body is going to make it though the night. It's a wonder humans never lived in water because you know what that'd have been an excellent option there. Waterbeds, except you sleep IN the water. Like frogs or crab or any other amphibious being that knows the value of being close to that elixir of life on warm days to be able to regulate their surrounding temperature up to a decent degree.

Of course, any individual with a smidgen of critical thinking must also consider the possibility that maybe this is not all random, seems awfully well-timed no, the same couple of weeks one moves into a new city hoping for a more livable weather, the temperatures go so high they break the charts, they break the thermometers, they break the heads of any straight-thinking individuals expecting regular-place temperatures. Instead, this gift from the darkest depths of hell, as if the worlds were upturned somehow. Maybe the 'dome' metaphor has something to do there, but who knows. It doesn't help that one lives on the fourth floor of a building, which would work in one's benefit during the winter months and on cooler days, but on this particular set of circumstances that just means it's not unlikely that one's above might feel warmer in the inside than what the noobs are experiencing on the outside. What if it was a conspiracy by the universe and the bigheads up there to trick one into acting against one's self interest? It would be a low-blow but not something unexpected from the eggheaded ones, they can't come up with better ideas after all. You pat them on the head, congratulate their for genius undermining trick and move on. Don't take the heat.

Lay low, that's a piece of advice that's perfect for so many unrelated situations: whether you are a secret agent who's on the cusp of being discovered who's been told to lower their presence in the new territory, possibly get a couple of new getups and escape as soon as the mission is complete, or if you're living in a warm apartment of an unseasonably extremely hot city and need to keep yourself warm, so you sleep on the floor to avoid the hot air that rises up.

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