Trader joe's with frozen foods, much blogwriting [Tue 9]

so much blog-writing, breakfast of leftover fapar and veggies, walk to volunteer park with audiobook on, 2 hours of writing, talking to family, trader joe's trip to avoid future cooking, veggie biryani dinner, earlier to bed than regular

Yesterday, which is Tuesday, I wrote about 15 posts on this blog which is quite an achievement, pat pat pat. No work on the website, which is fine whatever, because quite a bit got done today.

Breakfast was leftover fapar, the last batch I was so glad to have been done with, and leftover veggies from the weekend. In the afternoon spent two hours writing, then onto the walk to Volunteer park, after which I went to trader joe's to get a bunch of frozen foods and other addons to make breakfast and dinner better. Talked to TD during the day for hours.

Had veggie biryani for dinner, wrote for 30 minutes before bed, and went to sleep significantly earlier than regular, with the hope that I'd fall asleep on time and feel more restful. Perhaps I did? Don't know for sure.

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