10 super-duper honest reasons why I'm so passionate and crazy about this blog thing

  1. Never had a long-term project go on for so long, and need to keep this going on and on and on. I'd started believing people cannot change as they go older, they might make temporary changes, but there's no fundamental realignment of their interests passions and hobbies. They are set in stone in late teens or early twenties. Embarking on a project with such time commitment and long-term continuation proves that my understanding was wrong and I can indeed change and adapt to different circumstances.

  2. I like to think I'm the master of my fate, the commander of my ship, barring other major variables, without the intent to tempt fate. Yeah, the world is random most of it is chance anyway, but there's huge leeway on how we want to shape our lives, and how we control our destiny by choosing to do certain things over other things. Writing thousands of words daily no matter what is an opportunity to prove that.

  3. There's a belief that the more you do of something, the better you get at it. I don't strictly believe in that -- if you swim with the wrong posture for example, and keep doing it day after day after day for years, there's no way you're going to significantly improve unless you get a coach or some kind of expert to give you good feedback. Buuut. I still do believe that if you practice a craft for long enough, even without the guidance, you will start discovering your own little hacks and tricks and shortcuts that you'd otherwise have been guided into by your mentor a lot quicker, but you'll eventually get there the hard way. Until I get a mentor or a writing master...I'm really trying to avoid the word guru because it's been misused so much in english and ugguh it's a good respectable word okay... this is all I got. I'll be ready for them with my discipline when they're ready to guide me.

  4. That's the fourth thing, discipline. Doing something, anything over and over and over makes it a habit. Habits are hard to form you need a certain discipline. Discipline can be learned, but you have to start from somewhere. This, writing in this blog, is the starting point for me to begin my journey of being a more disciplined person. Writing today, workouts tomorrow, meditation the day after, and I'm a super-person in complete control of my senses desires and impulses.

  5. I want to write serious books and novels, and have to start from somewhere. You can't just go blind and come out of it a serious author. This is a way for myself to build legitimacy in my own eyes, to give me the practice of writing a sense of what it feels to be doing this regularly, what it means to be a writer.

  6. I don't have much else going on in my life, it's pretty boring and lame, truth be told. With this at least I have something to show for it. It makes my dreary sad lame black-and-white life more sepia, gives a hint of danger and excitement and adventure. It's misleading there's no denying that but it's something to live for. It gives me that tiny thread of hope that this is all going someplace good.

  7. To impress chicks, and other people I don't know. If they see I've been writing thousands of words, they figure I have it in me to be committed to something and can trust me or whatever. It's a personality thing, something I don't have much going on in, besides this.

  8. It's a form of therapy and makes it easy for me to open to the world here, and in real life. When I've written something interesting and/or personal here, it makes it easier for me to share with people in real life. If nothing else, I can just tell them 'ohh I've written about it in my blog you should check out!'.

  9. I want to make blogs cool again. Twitter is exciting and all but as a medium of creative expression it's quite limited. I want to encourage people and make them understand that they don't need insta or twitter or podcasts, and this is a legitimate medium of expression, where they can get some eyeballs too!

  10. To document my life and the memories I make. Memory is a fickle friend, the lightest of inks is sharper than the sharpest of memories, as the so-called chinese proverb goes. I truly want to remember in the future the days that were, the things we did. And what better way to do that than sharing it in a public form?

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