Oversleep, CVS trip moneysaving tips, a new plan of action [Sat 22]

Since I went to sleep at some time after 4 in the morning I woke up late. Actually got up at 8 in the morning to use the restroom and then went back to sleep, got up again a 12pm.

Wasted the rest of the day sleeping basically it was disgusting I chatted up some of the folks from across the world but everyone had their own things happening and while I was groggy from a messed-up sleep cycle it didn't feel right. When I showered at 5 in the evening I felt disgusted at having wasted the weekend away all by myself not doing anything and basically having abandoned all my values ideals ambitions and plans. I committed to change my lifestyle in the coming weeks. I'm going to live up to that. It's going to be hard, but we don't do great things because they're easy we do them because they're hard etcetera yadda yadda yadda.

In the evening ND came around, to crash so we could leave early for the hiking trip next morning. She had biked from her place to the park nearby and gotten into a minor bike accident but her knees were wounded. She needed antiseptics. For that, and the fact that I hadn't left the house in many days I decided to leave the apartment for a change. Put on a couple of episodes of the office and walked to davis.

The original idea was to spend a short while in davis and walk towards porter/harvard, but the CVS trip was interesting enough that I didn't go anywhere else. Found the antiseptics and the medical-grade tape, didn't find rubbing alcohol until the last moment but bought the overpriced one anyway against my principles because it's hard to come by. Considered buying a LOT of vitamin D's because they're 50% off, that didn't work because the other bottle that was supposed to be available with my preferred dosage had run out. At the counter they made me sign up for the cvs carepass that took my 12 bucks of receipt into 2 bucks as long as I didn't forget to cancel the monthly membership. I harried around nervous that it would be a traumatic experience to remove the membership, looked up online contacted support but the automated email was super helpful -- for a change -- following the instructions was easy and painless and cancellation was real quick. Ten bucks saved just like that.

Got back home to find roommate PK back from his camping trip. He had an awesome time -- his first camping trip in the US -- but he lost his phone in the lakes of NH. Got caught up with everything, ND PK and I talked for a couple of minutes and gave each other shit as I did the dishes. Wrote a bunch at night before going to bed and forced myself into bed at about midnight. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to sleep well since my brain likes effing me over like that but thankfully must have slept reasonably quick because I don't remember too much after the first five minutes of struggle.

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