FAQ I've been getting from my new husband's friends

Ooooh this is a good one, fits well with my attempt to be hahaha don't laugh at this please my attempt to be more experimental and creative. Tried it in the past couldn't think beyond a certain points and been taking the numbered lists wayy to seriously. It's time to use it as a structure, just a structure. Should be doing more of this.

Tell a story in a unique form. It can borrow the format of a question & answer session, the writing on the back of a cereal box, shopping list, job application, business profit and loss statement, recipe, etc. The key here is getting creative.

Q: Are they real?
A: What to you think, if you're convinced they might as well be because they're probably so expensive you can't afford them anyway and at that point what does it matter to you if its a gift from nature or the genius surgeons and Dr. Amadahl's Clinic? And if they are real then well here you are, nothing you can do but cry and complain so suck it bitch.

Q: So what's your family like, what do they do?
A: I will not interpret this as you trying to figure out if I'm a gold-digger who was successful in marrying your friend who I know all of you biddies have laid eyes for the last decade and are wondering where this random breathtakingly beautiful and smart woman showed up from to take it right out of your jaws. My family is in farming, we've been doing that for seventeen generations now and done it exceedingly well they're all happy and successful and wealthy yes. Back where I'm from mud farming is a very lucrative field.

Q: What about your friends and family, you seem so lonely without him?
A: I have seven dozen friends spread across America, most of them I've known since they were riding donkeys to school. Kindergarten I think they call it here. They're all exceedingly successful into high business and hospitality most of them are owners of private jets and semi-pro football teams mostly both though and would be ashamed to be seen my common-folk which is why I meet them either only in their private floors at the fancy hotels or in their private jets when we go for an outing.

As for the loneliness you've perceived in my eyes, it's probably the new brand of makeup I'm trying, it's the Morticia Addams school of style and may look gloomy but my sources in highfashion in the new york fashion industry tell me this is the look for the coming season and if you want to be taken seriously you'd be lookinng lonely and gloomy too.

Q: Do you think you'll want to help out in the house or help out with the business or start your own thing?
A: As I've alluded to before, I've actually got a big thriving business going on across many countries that is quite time-intensive to manage, despite having hired way too many underlings than I should have. If any one of you slackers and underperformers want ambition and drive to do something good and be promoted from within, I can interview you for positions to help me and provided you pass the conversation and the grueling four-hour-long exam that follows you can be my assistants and managers and look into expanding and managing the very successful conglomerate. Alternately if you know someone with a loose change of a couple of billions, I'd be willing to sell the entire thing for the right person and approach and retire with my loving hubby you know him.

Q: What do you think about kids, do you have any do you think you'll try to have any or adopt?
A: My parents had thirteen of us, and they were the most successful of the mud farmers in our community with all the free child labor and what not. So yes my preference is always having more children over less regardless of the source of those children. We have been actively exploring a wide array of options including conception, a surrogate, multiple surrogates, multiple surrogates in parallel so we can get all that free manpower of a uniform age, adoption, kidnapping, and training domesticated pets into obeying your orders as well as a human child can so they can take over the simpler chores. We have not made a decision yet and will inform you promptly once actionable tasks have been decided upon.

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