Amazon delivery haul, grilled cheese with sauerkraut, broken kitchen power [Thu 27]

Having been out early on Wednesday due to be extra tired, sleep schedule was all fucked on in the morning. Got up at 2.30 am couldn't go back to sleep until 5, and then obviously couldn't get up at 7 for my morning walk. Ended up being up at 8, rushing things in and starting work in a hurry.

Due to the lack of sleep, that's what I'm going to guess because I'm not sure what else it could have been, I was on low energy despite keeping myself fed on PB crackers, nuts and a whole lot of water. Didn't want to write, didn't want to do anything productive. Maybe it was the weather too because it was gloomy all day long, work was alright I made a few changes and talked to the coworkers but didn't really feel like it.

Got delivery of batteries and connector from Amazon, and connected my hub with my laptop so now I finally have a proper work setup with a laptop, keyboard and a screen. Freaking finally. It should improve my work habits by a slight amount, the slight amount that was causing me inconvenience due to lack of a resting place for my hands while typing.

After work I cleaned the spare room a little bit, made a really juicy grilled-cheese with sauerkraut dipped the entire thing in hot sauce it was yum and I do like the contrast of sour and spicy with the fattiness and cheesiness of a grilled cheese. After overloading myself with fat and carbs I rested for a bit and tried writing something, anything really in the evening.

Roomies were playing around in the kitchen and we found ourselves on the tough side of things in the evening when the power in all our appliances was gone, so no more fridge, microwave or oven. It wasn't too bad because fridges are designed to hold heat for as long as they can but we were still pretty disappointed. Luckily roommate pK had to go out on a trip later in the evening, and he bought extension cords, so we connected our fridge to an outlet in a different room using two very long extension cords.

It was about 9/9.30 in the evening I was tired of all the food and tired and confused because of the day-long low-energy situation not to mention the lack of sleep, so I decided to take a minor nap at 9.30 in the evening. And promptly fell asleep. Got up at 1.30am, brushed cleaned up and went back to sleep.

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