A severe complaint from a lifelong macdonald customer

To: coroporatecomplaints@mcdonald.com
From: angrybeaver7442@instantmail.org
Subject: Serious complaint from a longtime loyal fan

Dear McDonalds corporate complaints team,

Hope you're doing well. I'm doing alright. Wish everyone there is in the best of health in these difficult times. I'm writing to register a complaint I have about one of your locations and to request you to start a disciplinary action against the accused and guilty parties.

My incident started seven days ago, Saturday the 17th. I had a bit of a cabin fever at home, considering I hadn't left the house in over two months not even for groceries or food, I ordered everything in and talked to people on videochat all this time. I didn't see a single human being in person save for a deliveryman or two on rare occasions when I'd assume they had left the building only to find they dillydallying about or talking to the cute building manager of ours. I understand they're young and they were wearing masks and all but does she really need to flirt with literally every young man that comes to the building because if she does she should consider doing that outside the building we don't want foreign germs to be chilling inside the stale air of our building. They had masks and all but you know how these microorganisms are they'll take any chance to make a new home. Anyways this is not of your concern I have already registered a concern to our building's management several times over email and have yet to hear abck from them. I believe it's the same buliding manager who might be checking the email accounts for complaint and it's conflict of interest in there, her ignoring all the complaints made against her. If this keeps up I might have to escalate it to her superiors and let them know of the original complaint, and the fact that she is ignoring complaints against her there's a clear conflict of interest happening in there it's a form of corruption really and they need to do something about this. I'm telling you all of this to put you in my mindset when I visited your downtown location so you have the context right.

I was feeling hungry and wanted to have an in-person human interaction for a change, so I drove downtown which by the way I never do because of the traffic but there was no way I would be taking the train these days. I figured finding parking would be easy as a cake but it wasn't so simple and the traffic was not as lowkey as I imagined so I'm already stressed out. After parking underneath the park in that big lot I stroll about in the gardens to get some fresh air only to be chased by these crazy large dangerous geese that gangup on ayone they see as week and smaller than them. Found a bench away from the birds eventually to discover that the sewers had leaked somewhere nearby. Everything that could go wrong had done so up to that point.

I was feeling a little hunger so I decided to visit your downtown location to get some fries and burger, my mask o and fully distancing, only to realize there was a long line that extended outside the store. That's my first problem. We may be in crazy sick times but surely you guys can afford to open an extra counter or two in the more popular outlets so the patrons don't have to wait outside in the sickening humidity and heat, smelling lie a bag of urine-soaked cotton balls. It felt like an hour, the person in front of me said it was barely five minutes. I guess some people have less of a tight schedule than I do and don't understand the true value of time.

As it was my order, the menu overwhelmed me. Boy your menu has gotten complex over the years hasn't it. I remember back in the good old days when you had six items on the meny and you said hey order 4 and they knew exactly what you meant, now you need to specify this and that without so-and-so and ohh don't forget to give me packets of that sauce because your employees don't see to have the basic manners of giving packets of sauces with orders to their customers. I was being overwhelmed and the lady at the counter got awfully rude had pushed me to make my decision faster because there were too many people waiting behind me. I thought, chill out lady I waited for a really long time they can too but she wouldn't budge, she said I could order when I was ready but would have to let other people do so as I figured out my plan. So rude!

In the rush to make a good decision, I panicked and ended up ordering a large fries a couple of burgers and even a dessert. My order totalled twenty-five dollars. Twenty five! In your establishment, can you imagine! For that money I could go to a real restaurant and get high-quality food served by generous hosts and servers who are smiling all the time and not be surrounded by people stinking of piss and homeless individuals. Anyways I panicked hard and gulped down when I received the order, it must have been several thousand calories. I was fearful.

It was a good day, I walked to the park and started eating, i have to commend on the taste and quality of your wares, almost to the point of a fault really because somehow I ate through the entirety of the order and only after gulping that large sweet drink of yours did I feel completely full. It was wild, so much guilt and that is most definitely not going to be good for my health. Remembering that I'm already a bit obese, that meal which would have lasted me two or three days normally I chowed down in a matter of fourty-five minutes, that is going to cause me some serious damage in terms of self image and possibly to my cardiac health. That concern has led me do severe stress, lack of proper sleep and even consideration into using anti-depressants.

I do not intend to sue you for I don't believe a society should be run on the basis of everyone suing everyone else. However, I do want you to reprimand your employees for forcing your customers to make rash decisions that go contrary to their health. Give them a nice talkin, threaten them with firing etcetera just so they let people like me evaluate the pros and cons of our orders and make decisions that are good for our healths.

That is all I have to say, thank you for reading so far into my complaint. I do like your product a lot. Keep up the good work.


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