Milestone post: More post this year than all the posts from previous years except last

When this gets published this will be my 750'th post this year.

That means if you added all the posts from every year before the last, the whole 12 years between 2007 and 2018 inclusive on one hand, and the number of posts I've published this years, I'm actually a little ahead numbers-wise. And I'm most definitely certain quite ahead word-count wise.

This is quite an achievement for me and my plan to make writing a basic habit, something I feel uncomfortable if I don't do every day. I know it's been a rough trip there's so many complaints of 'low quality' (live with it), 'catching up the posts' (so I don't have to look like a lazy butt who writes in spurts instead of being the good boy who writes twice thrice a day), and the 'article counter fudger' where I'm writing down words without them making any sense because I want more words on my name. And I'm here! I've lied and befuddled hoodwinked and confused the hella' out of everyone and everything to get here. I'm the king of the world, so to speak.

The next step like I've said in the past many many months is to start improving my writing, now that I've convinced myself and everyone reading that I do have in me what it takes to be a writer: a hunger, desperation. A need, desire, a habit of attention-seeking, not for itself sake but towards some form of creation or another. I have gotten into a routine, proven that routine work can get you to great heights. Now I need to channel that energy and power, the lessons and leanings within them to improve my learning.

My first strategy has been, will be to read all those magazines targeted at writers and improve the base techniques. Don't overuse these kind of words, this set of words goes with the other ones real well, clear concise communication, all of that. By making my 'regular' words come out within that context, I'm learning to write more for myself than an employer of owners of companies I've worked with.

My second strategy haven't actually begun it yet but talked to the right people and it's clear at this point that it will happen, is to start doing writing workshops with people. Critique workshops rather, we write during a set time and critique and comment upon one another's work. That forces the writer to think clearly about the reader they'll be having in front of them, and also a hundred thousand more, a million more and they just want to be told a whole lots of life, happily and ignorantly.

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