The need for daily walks

Went on a walk in the evening today. The idea was to walk all the way to Newbury Street, Chinatown all of it, didn't work because the weather was gloomy rainy and being super sketchy changing between drizzling and clear in a matter of minutes.

Friend V called at 7.30 in the morning checking up on me, he wanted to know if I wanted to go on a morning run, that early on a Sunday when I went to bed at 3.00am. It was a clear and obvious no, felt a little bad about that, running is good plus it's a nature reserve and I've not had a good workout in a while.

Realized I've planned on going for morning walks and evening runs for three weeks now and haven't acted on them. An occasional walk or bikeride or run will happen twice or three times a week but I'll spend a couple of days not leaving my apartment at all to make up for that. It's not good. You need to leave your apartment, checkout the world appreciate the nature talk to people listen to the birds breathe in the fresh morning air etcetera. Just putting yourself in the nature is therapeutic, something that needs reminding for me.

Planning on going on a 40-min walk...upto an hour....daily, to a set location, doing something you go to a temple in Nepal and making that the point of the walk. The walk is for the sake of walking but it needs to feel rewarding besides that. Thought of going to Assembly Row and TJ's for daily shopping but they don't open until 9 so morning walks are out. I could go to Davis and eat perhaps, or something. Need to work that out.

Need to go on walks everyday! Being in nature is important.

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