Alternatives to Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat

We are all all aware of Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat combo of an in the format of generating interesting storylines. Lets use that to come up with other possible combos.
  1. A cat in a rat....given the rat is sufficiently large and the cat sufficiently inexperienced, quite possible.

  2. A bat under a mat....why not, if it enters your house and you try capturing it with one of your bamboo mats but it scares the bejeebus out of you and you let it go therefore trapping the bloodsucking insecteating mammal under the light fabric, so possible.

  3. A gnat in a bat... A gnat is an insect....i think and I'm too lazy to look that up just take my word for it, and bats fruitbats generally are known for eating small bugs, and not fruits which is really confusing but this probably happens a lot lot lot more often than cat in a hat

  4. A hen in a pen... If by pen you take it to understand an area bounded by wires or fencing of some kind intended to keep chickens and other poultry birds in.

  5. A hen ON a pen... If the pen, a writing implement is fat and sturdy enough, and the bird in question is a small enough breed. A baby hen is a chick, so technically it couldn't be counted so we specifically need female adult egg-laying chickens in this case.

  6. A dog lost in the fog... This is the literal story of the Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes story The Hound of Baskervilles, don't want to give away the spoilers but it involves a hound aka dog that lives in the Baskervilles which is some sort of moorish area in England that's always gloomy and foggy.

  7. A pig in a gig... Imagine a really creative pig, musically oriented perhaps or even into comedy or acting who has been invited by a small venue who will barely cover the expenses of the gig but promise it'll give him so much exposure and besides they're friends so he owes them a favor and the pig hanging a guitar case and a sad little hat to collect the tips walking slowly into a dingy restaurant of a bankrupt town thinking he's had enough of this place he needs to move to the new city either NYC or LA or Chicago that's were life is.

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