A pecker of woods, 7-11 trip, CVS hustle [Mon 24]

I write this at 2.40 of the next day. The title got written at 8am, and then I sort of zoned out, got busy with everything else. Things are looking good, more organized. Got a nice screen in my workstation need a mouse too and I'm all set!

Got up  early in the morning, trying to live up by my new rules now, didn't go out on a walk but spent the time productively otherwise writing right after getting up. Work was very very productive, I zone out here and there but it's been good recently. In addition to my super-duper secret journal, I've been considering adding a 'work blog'.

Had too much of peanut-butter cookies and nuts to eat proper lunch. Did have a muffin for breakfast because no one else is helping me get rid of it and I'm a little mad. It's not great, they've used crappy fat and it shows but wasting food is uh shitty gotta finish that muffin eventually. Zoned out over lunch, nothing good came of it. Should plan lunch walks to freshen up in the middle of the day.

Wrote in my personal journal, wrote here and checked out a bunch of youtube videos at the end of the work-day. Intended to go out on a walk right after working but things were traspiring so let things settle down for a bit. Got quite busy chatting with people on snapchat too, I'm starting several writing groups because the ones I've been a part of are all dead.

At 6-ish asked to borrow keys from PK because I lost my second set of keys over a matter of two weeks -- hadn't lost a key in a decade almost before this -- inside the house. Walked over to 7-11, without my phone. Saw a cool and colorful little woodpecker pecking a hole into a tree on my way, spent a considerable time looking at gazing at that. At 7-11, used their expensive keymaking machine to get myself a copy of the houskey -- had a copy of the apartment one from way before. Saw they had a deal on the pizzas, 2-for-2 and got those for 'dinner'. I should be ashamed but am not really. Who cares it tastes good and I eat 'em once every couple of month anyway.

Just realized the whole bulk of this post I'd already written at 8am just forgot to post, so continuing from here at 3pm almost. The beginning might look a little weird with two starts because that's how it came to be about. Live with it.

After getting my keys, collected my phone since it was charged, walked up to cvs, spent half hour on searching for things I needed. Ended up getting micropore tape and a packet of epsom salt -- don't need it and don't know what to do with it, hopefully I can figure out a good use. Used their membership thing to get a discount, paid fifty cents. Cancelled it immediately, walked back, got my goodies took a bunch of photos of them, showed them to all my friends through viber. Read a little, wrote a lot, organized the posts, and went to bed at 12. Slept maybe in twenty minutes.

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