Heavy breakfast, low energy, massive feast, wasted day [Thu 20]

Got up late, right before work starting and rushed to work. This was last of one of those days, so in retrospect I'm happy this phase is over. I'm writing this two days after the day ended because of low-energy and other unrelated issues.

Was quite hungry in the morning, unbearably hungry, had a large shamefully large serving of Bob's Red Mill oats and peanut butter. It's unclear if it was the amount of food I ate, or if it's the reaction to something else, but I didn't feel so good immediately after. It was so filling and large that I skipped lunch entirely.

For the entire day I had a mild headache and motivation issues. It's unclear if it was related to the food or my general motivation issues but didn't feel like doing anything cooking or even walking out of the house. That has become a problem now, serious one, end up not leaving the house for a couple of days in a row due to 'laziness' and 'motivation' issues.

After work I thought about making dinner but didn't have the energy to do so, just hung around. BB was making a massive pasta dinner, with tomato sauce, mushroom, garlic bread and sausages, and I tagged with them. Got some of them gigglies too despite having presumably 'quit' because didn't feel so good and needed something to distract my mind with. We all ate so much of it, it was quite insane. I turned the pasta into sandwich between garlic breads, had a small slice of the chorizo, and a lot of the mushrooms. The three of us just tore through the pound of raw pasta and two pounds of other raw materials there were. We were all so full it was uncomfortable. Everyone had stomach issues the next morning.

Tried sleeping, couldn't had weird thoughts and dreams, different than usual perhaps it was food related. Didn't feel good. Motivation was down the drain for the next few days due to the food and the gigglies. I need to control both of them, seriously, something i need to work towards.

Was low-energy all day long, didn't leave the house and ate too much, a wasted day all things considered.

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