Breaking into the headmaster's office

Based upon real events that I heard happened a long time ago.

Secret mission log, I'm making this so we can have a total record of what happened in case anything goes wrong. If things go write we will use this as a tool to repeat this...adventure.
There's three of us, I won't give out our names but we're all twelfth graders and we're going to sneak into the Principal's office to retrieve a piece of evidence that could get our friend in deep deep trouble. Reliable sources have provided us with copies of the front door but we're unsure if there's any protection inside the building. We're still in ouro dorms right now, wearing our masks and leg protection and shoe inserts to increase our heights so if we do get seen they will be thrown off the track. All of us are also wearing shoes two sizes too big for us to avoid detection and identification later on. We're going to the office in regular casual dress and changing there.

Just took off our casual clothes and put them in the backpack, now we're laced in all black with creepy balaclava mask that will clearly telegraph our intentions to anyone looking at us. We have plain-clothed guys and girls on the lookout at the perimeter, we each have tiny bluetooth earbuds in our ears and are on constant call with them. We planned this out, so we can tell by the voices what's happening where exactly. We have developed entire code-language just for this purpose, there's no way that can go bad.

Our next step is to open into the door and retrieve the documents.

Successfully opened the door, no secret alarms or tripwires were detected. We are kindof sure there's security cameras all around the building so we haven't dared using our flashlights, lest we give the hint something bad happened. We are in the lobby and looking for the right combinations to the main door and trying to locate the documents. Unclear as of right now if the documents are located in one of the higher-security drawers. We might have to get violent in that case which is less than ideal.

No report from the recon teams, everything seems to be in order.

A member of principal's staff seems to be coming this way, our recon team is distracting them with idle chitchat while buying us time, they can't spend too much time doing that because it might seem suspicious, so our time has been limited.

We're still in search for the location of the drawer containing the documents. Our 'grunt' has discovered similar documents lying on the desk, so we think they may be outside.

This was the wildest thing that's ever happened to me! The staff member came in, and we hid in the supply room hoping they wouldn't come there, and they didn't! They went to the common area, blamed the poor office assistant for being disorganized and left. Thank god! Now that they're gone, we're free to explore the area. We want to spend a couple of minutes waiting for our recon teams to inform us that the staff is out before we get out. It's getting really sticky and hot in here and one of the other idiots wants to badly pee. I told them to pee in the dorm but they said they didn't have to. So pissed. Har har.

Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. We're running away, one of us is hurt, their feet is a bloody mess. So we came out of the closet prematurely, and the staff realized they had forgotten to lock the door and rushed back in, heard the noise and investigated. We had just found out the location of the documents, and it wouldn't have been very clever to pick off just the document of interest so we picked up a large collection of the files and ran away, through the window. One of us literally broke the window with the hammer(!) they had with them and ran away, someone else had the shard of glass cut their feet, hopefully they're going to be fine.

The wound is not too deep but it's quite long, the bleeding has stopped, they can walk almost normally. When the staff went out shouting for guards we were long gone in our dorms. The trail of blood ends at a few dozen feet from the office. We've burned the documents, and put the ash on plants in the housemaster's garden, so they won't suspect a thing. The bloody trousers have been disposed of. I don't know how wise it is to drown blood-soaked trousers in a strong alkaline solution, but the chem nerds say it's going to get rid of the blood, and possibly the trousers as well so we'll see.

Hope there's no much trouble coming ahead. They can't get to us that's for sure, there's nothing identifying us, and besides the would we are unlikely to get caught. They don't even know it was someone from inside the school and not some random thieves from outside!

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