How do I not run out of ideas

How do I not run out of ideas? How am I still going, seven hundred pieces of absolute crap later how am I still sustaining? That's just this year, if you include last year's I'm gettin' close to 1200.

I've tried writing substantial pieces, I've promised here a dozen times there's going to be substantial writing. The kind of writing newspapers would be proud to publish. They'd make me a regular columnist, Tall Tales From Afar it'd be called. We've talked about this before.

There's nothing in my head, it's all empty tap tap and you hear echoes taptap taptaptap taptaptaptap. The pieces keep coming but where's the substance there's no real content. There's nothing to nourish only junk food and dessert. You can't survive on junk food and dessert, and yes I know I've said and acted like the opposite was true but trust me on this I know you can't like survive on junk food and dessert forever. Maybe a year or two or three but not decades. Probably not. I dunno we'll find out I guess.

It's junk food and desserts all of it.

Which may sound like I'm bragging or complimenting myself because who doesn't like 'em. That's not true. It's a failure of mine to produce something that would make readers think, imagine provoke thoughts raise questions make then rethink their values and beliefs. None of that you'll find here. All fluff and chaff. Yes fluff is great, and as a proud resident of Sommerville MA where fluff was invented I'm proud to REPRESENT but like, not everyone is into that. And the chaff needs to be cooked properly otherwise it's just weird...

Back to the original question that provoked this rant. How do I not run out of ideas. What is it.

It's not hard. The topics haven't been diverse enough, there's many thoughts people have in their lives, they just never bother to document and expand on those. In public. That's the difference between you and I. Speaking of which, what a total drama Nepali twitter is, I should definitely write something on that later this evening.

I need to widen the range of topics I think about and write on. Not because my 'readers' [there's three people reading this at the very most, and you're one or two of them] would benefit but because different topics need different level of uhh sensitivity and consideration while handling. It'd allow me to expand my repertoire of writing tricks. And talk about something else besides me myself and I. It's fun though it gets tiring after a while.


Need to find a source of a broad range of topics to write on.

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