Boston almost-walk, eggplant stew [Sunday 16]

Here's what happened on Sunday -- I write this Monday morning at 8.35am -- in reverse chronological order, here we go!

Went to bed at 12.20 after writing five posts and distracting myself in a twitter hole for two hours almost. I've already written why I'm not on on twitter but the drama is too good to stay out of twitter forever. It's done now though blocked twitter from all the ports using multiple layers of protection, there's no way it's going to make a comeback now huuhahahaha.

Done eating at 8, chilled at talked to roommate PK and N for sometime. Our tv wasn't working, the remote's stopped working and there's no spare batteries for us to test so the gang went to bed I stayed out for some time did the dishes and finally called it home. Wrote a little bit at first and then needed 'inspiration' for which I started trawling nepali bloggospace for interesting writers and bloggers. And that's how I ended up on twitter... the blog profiles were mostly to link to people's twitter and insta accounts since insta is blocked on my machine went to check out the profiles on twitter. One thing led to another and we are, I have a three year old son now guys! Jk.

After returning from my walk chilled in my room for a while and started making the ghoresh bademjan the eggplant stew. It's quite simple, must have not gotten it on the dot due to some small issue need to refer to the original cook on what went not perfectly well. Still it was kickass and I'm eager for the biriyani of it the morning after. Should have cooked more rice but there's always time to do that! The eggplant and tomato puree to make this I bought and have been saving for weeks and weeks now so finally the culmination of all my hard work. Need to finish the stew and the 'salad' I made last week until there needs to be another round of groceries.

At two, around headed out for my walk. The plan was to go to Boston but ND informed me it would rain and the weather forecast had changed between when I looked earlier in the morning and when I was about to leave. I put on a rainjacket and got all prepared for the rain but when I got out and it started drizzling it scared me so I shortened my trip significantly, instead of the 3/4 hour walking tour of the city, it became barely a hour-and-half walk around the neighborhood which was nice but not the planned trip. Oh and I had a slice of pizza and 7-11 because that was the closest eating place to where I was. Love the door handles they have where you can use your elbows to open!

Got up at 7.30 am because friend V called me and asked if I wanted to go for a run said no to that. Oats for breakfast at ten, talked a bunch with ND, cleaning chores talking to friends making plans for the day none of which panned out because folks are not checking their cellphones every goddamn minute and I'm mad about that. Watched a few movies with the gang outside, including the tedious boring annoying irritating comedy movie in which Akshay Kumar plays the deity [THE deity, all of them, the implication being no matter what the polytheists say all the religions are ACTUALLY literally the same and share the same being eventually]. Don't like it!

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