I've realized something: I'm not bad at writing, I just don't have anything interesting to write

It's been a while since I started trawling the creative writing internet. Tips, tricks qna's, the psychology of writing, the sociology of writing etcetera etcetera. The techniques particularly because I'm so very insecure about my poor writing quality. I fear getting judged for my poor techniques, and being told I have good english which is the worst insult anyone can ever give someone who's interested in writing in the language they're supposedly good in.

So writing's about two things...first the technique, you need to be able to translate the thoughts and ideas into the medium through words. Avoid the cliches, be grammatically correct more or less, follow proper punctuation guides and don't be too boring. There are other minor rules or 'general guidelines' that I may lack in, but they can be improved, revised upon sharpened and honed. That's what the editors are for, copy editing among other things.

Writing is most importantly about the content, the stories you have to tell. They need to be something the reader wants to read, on a consistent basis. You could talk about how your toilet experience was that morning, with good writing techniques you could make it quite interesting. No one is going to read six hundred pages of that. TO go the novel way, the stories you have to tell must evoke feelings and emotions, the readers must identify the characters, see the world through the eyes of the characters. And feel they've been plopped into that universe. It's clear I don't have that. My stories are watery flimsy contrived. There's no chemistry. It doesn't come easy, it's like forcing a hard shit out and then getting something out that's not worth the effort.

That's good to know. I have a better idea of what I need to improve upon.

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