Dinner party and cards [Wed 19]

Late to wake up like always in this week, work was the usual, tiresome and repetitive. Had six meeting over the course of the day so that was something wild I hadn't considered. For lunch I fried an egg, and finished the rest of my eggplant-rice mixture, finally, after five days of eating it. Need to finish the 'kraut salad this weekend or else...

After work cleaned up, got things in order and PK and I went to RD's place, they live six-min walk from our place, for dinner. She's invited me on several occasions before, hadn't had the opportunity to go because of some reason or the other. I took a box of tea from Nepal, PK took an expensive 4-pack of beer which was remarkably more expensive than such things generally are because he bought it at the crappy liquor store by our place.

We walked over to their place, it was the first time I was inside their house, so nice and amazing, the house they live in is a duplex and they have the first floor and the basement. The new greenline extension station is going to be thirty seconds of walk from their place. It's a well-furnished apartment, I loved how large the plants they have there are. Apparently DVJD treats treads them like his children.

Had too many garlic crackers, alu ko achar and cans of seltzer. Realized DVJD is such an amazing storyteller and he has amazing stories to tell to, thing that don't happen to the rest of us. He told of he should have never ended in the amazing place he is right now, and the only reason he is there is because a bunch of times the things that were supposed to workout didn't and he had to rush and hurry and freak out manage somehow and in the end they happened to be better for him than anything he had planned originally. And then there was love-at-first-sight story with the girl in baahrabisey who thought they were still 'dating' twelve years after they first met and it was really rough on her when he got married because she had been waiting for him all this time and he had to call her and apologize because he didn't mean to hurt her etcetera.

For dinner we had rice, chickpea curry, alu ko achaar, and chicken, had soo much of rice and curry, tried a very small piece of the chicken it was goddamn good.

After dinner we spent an hour and a half playing marriage which I didn't know how to play and they taught me. Despite being a total no0b I got pretty good at it though we played only one round and I didn't show my cards if the right card had come at the right time, I'd have clean-swept the board and easily thrashed the rest of the folks. APK talked about the shitty dating apps situation in Boston and how she ends up with only one kind of dudes in the area, and if she ever encountered another engineering guy who's realized there's more to the world than boring technical things and wants to learn more about the business side so he's doing an MBA or a related program in a second-rate program, there's going to be a murder, she's not clear on who's gonna be murdering whom but I wouldn't provoke her on that.

Got to get on RD's car, she drove APK to her place, and then dropped us off. We talked about our future plans, what we want to do in Nepal and how we plan on organizing ourselves. Got home, did some writing went to bed a little after twelve.

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