Recipe: How to make a perfect hard-boiled egg

Boil water in a pot until it's seriouly bubbling, keep it covered. Add a little salt to it. As you look at the bubbling pot of water ponder all the decisions you have made in your life, the fights you've found yourself in, the people you've angered disappointed and cheated on. What's this life about if not for enraging things, justling particles together with energy until they're so excited they want to escape the countainer with the ferocity of a lion escaping its cage after it's been forced to wear a tutu and dance a ballet at a popular new york city dance production.

Turn of the heat after the water starts to violently boil. Perhaps that's a metaphor for life, if things start boiling too violently it's not a good idea to add heat to the mixture but rather take it away and let the situation cool. Talk to the parties, make them understand each other like the pot gets to know the water, and the water salt. How the saline mixture will work to heat up the eggs you will be putting but in the meanwhile cool itself up. Look at the positive side of things. When people get together sure they can froth each other up and just increase in anger, but some of that can be absorbed by cooler parties, decreasing the average head level of the system as a whole.

Put two eggs you took out of the fridge when you started boiling water into the pot. Right, I didn't tell you to take the eggs out of the fridge in the step for boiling water. That was to encourage you to read the entire recipe in one reading so you get a good sense, how you know what to anticipate. Besides, use your common sense you put an egg that's coming right out of your cold fridge straight into a pot of boiling water there's a good chance it's going to break due to thermal shock. Besides it would take one hell of an eternity to took the eggs through since now they need to be warmed up from a lower temperature and the water ain't getting any extra heat. That's another life lesson: anticipate what is to come in the life and generally put it in the back of your head...sure you're taking the cooking steps one at a time, but doesn't mean you have to go in blind with no clue of wht's about to happen.

Let the eggs sit in the water ten minutes covered, maybe twelve. Run cold water from the tap over the eggs and the pot, and peel. Think about meditating or yoga, some sort of workout because it's tought time for everyone and putting your bum down, going for groceries to your lab once in a while is not going to cut it. There needs to be more physical and mental exercise for the peace of mind and body. Consider meditation and yoga the cold water of your life, that's going to stop the garglingwargling and all the heat of the anger inside you and will lead you to be peeled -- that is, shed your outer harder shell and expose your softer more understanding tasty good to look at friendly, useful side to the world.

Your eggs will have boiled perfectly, a little wet in the center but fully cooked and solid. Dip it in salt and chilly powder and enjoy. Or in an egg sandwich. Or the other million ways to consume a boiled egg.

Really, all the lessons of life can be found in cooking eggs.

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