The woman with fat feet

Write a scene that involves a fairy tale trope turned on its head or otherwise deviating from typical expectations. For example: A princess who’s cruel to her kind stepmother; a golden goose that lays explosive eggs; a big, frightening wolf who really just wants a friend.


The King voiced his concern to his son, but the crown prince who was the apple to his father's eyes, a much beloved character in the state and the guardian of the poor and the underprivileged wouldn't budge. The girl he had danced with in the ball would be his wife, no ifs and buts. The King knew if there was anyone who could talk sense into the proud and successful young man it was him so he tried one more time. Our neighbors will make fun of us, he said, the position of the Queen is a prestigious one to hold and looking how old and weak I am, that time will soon come. Is it reasonable for you to go after the fat-footed woman under such circumstances, he asked.

The man in love was adamant. If the people rejected his queen, he would be unable to serve them for that was what he wanted and it was their duty as his subjects to defer to him on matters of his personal life. He would go seek his fate elsewhere where they would respect his choices more. He would pack that very night if His Majesty didn't give consent for his bethrotal.

The King considered it for a moment, the choice was clear as day. She would become the Queen and would demand the respect of everyone. He sent out two search parties over the city in search for her, each of them carried one of her large thick-soled leather boots, the crown prince could get both his feet inside either of them.

The search party looked far and wide, until they finally got to the young lady's house. The stepsisters, with their petite bodies and tiny well-cared-for and moisturised feet tried getting the shoe to fit on their leg. They pretended it was actually a thigh-high boot but couldn't walk straight in them. They lied about having stuffed hay into the boots the night of the party, and stuffed an entire bale of hay into the boot to make it fit. The courtiers were unconvinced for the sisters could not move their legs due to the weight of the shoes.

Finally they asked if there was anyone else in the house who might be the owner of the boots. Ohh the household helper lives here too, they said, she comes from our father's village or something, but she was here all night during the party cleaning the oven and making rice pudding, it couldn't have been her. The courtiers didn't like leaving the job half-done, for the Prince had instructed them to find the owner of the boots at any cost, so they asked for the woman. The stepsisters laughed in haught, for they thought the King's men intended to insult their stepsister.

The shoe fit like a glove. She danced and jumped and twirled around, her old raggedly clothes flying high as if they were made of air.

The rest, as they say, is history.

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