More 'Rona predictions: don't count on the vaccine

It's going to suck and it'll be terrible for people and the economy and the whole wide world, particularly bad for poor people the underprivileged and the women. This sucks truly it's awful and we need to figure out a good way to handle this. Either we risk losing millions of the elderly and the young but sick, or we figure another way to continue with the state of the matters. Things are bad particularly in places like the U.S where the general populace has gone mad or in poor places like India/Nepal etcetera where forcing the populace to stay in for such an extended time is not affordable or feasible because the governments can't provide them with support and not every country can pull a New Zealand.

On to the main point that I want to get at. There have been serious talks by serious people who are still well respected professionals about how the vaccine is going to be ready by January. I will totally ignore the ridiculous reports coming from Russia on vaccine that's already ready and so-and-so's daughter will be the first one taking it. There's very little faith in the vaccine by the majority of Russian doctors, and it would be comical to take the old fat man who thinks he's still cool at his word. We might as well dismiss the claims with no second thought. The American claims seem a little more legitimate considering they come from a very well-regulated industry, a little too well regulated is often the charge brought against it.

Here's the thing: Fauci has has to say things are going to be fine of course there's going to be a vaccine in four months even though that could be fourteen months even fourty months because the economy would collapse without the hope, not just the American economy but the global one. Don't count on it though. I will bet a good amount of money that a good vaccine will not have come out by January of 2021, and even if it somehow magically makes an appears it will not be totally effective and available and used until summer of the same year, at least. We have yet another year a solid year of this thing to go through, stay under no delusions. This is going to be the way of life going forward, gird your loins and ready up for the long slog of journey ahead.

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