9 Reasons you won't make for a good doctor

  1. You faint at the sight of blood, any blood.

  2. Or any bodily fluid for that matter. Including your own. And not excluding those involved in uhh sexual scenarios. Which has got you into all sorts of embarrassing situations. The sort where your partners think they are so good at sex they killed you but are not sure which one's the important point: the proof of the ultimate sexual prowess or the fact that a potentially dead person lay in front of their naked bodies.

  3. You get terribly self conscious at the sight of naked body, yours or anyone else's. You uhh get into a competitive mindset and not in a good way. Which means every time you see a clotheless body you find yet another thing to be disappointed of yourself at. Your ego couldn't take looking at all those underclothed sick people.

  4. You're terrible with precise hand-based skills, which was unfortunate for that frog which ended up in front of you back in high school biology practicals after which they allowed you to do it in simulator, and everyone who has known you thinks it's not a good idea.

  5. You are terrible with long words with confusing origins, confuse them for each other and it's not that you cannot memorize long words or series of complex instructions but you have this incredibly mystical confusing ability rather curse that makes you forget everything you force learned right as the exams end.

  6. When you went to the astrologer that one time they shrieked in horror after looking at the crystal ball and told you in no unclear terms you should do anything anything even become a bank robber as long as you did nothing remotely related to healthcare.

  7. You have weak arms, so you won't be able to saw off patients' body parts when you invariably get them infected and have to get rid of the limbs. It's a certainty at this point and it would be embarrassing to invite others in your operation just to saw limbs off of people.

  8. The white lab coat doesn't go well with your face. Sooo.

  9. It's hard work and youre lazy. Such as the writer for this who is ending this to order dinner even though it's coming in an hour.

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