More organization coming here to the ole' blog

Observant reader [singular, because it's just you] will notice a few new changes in the blog. Most noticeably, on the lower right side of the page below the archives in the sidebar I've added a few links recently. It's been mostly for my reference so I can follow proper patterns, but now I've added a link to labels pages. I've been tagging some of my posts for the last year, particularly those under the 'On' label, and now I've unified them all under a single page. The idea is to create pages around a certain thought or 'thing', and keep updating them over the years, so it's an archive of how my thoughts on certain topics are evolving. Will eventually get around to tagging story threads also, so you can go to all the disparate pieces of what in my mind is one large piece from a single point. Finally, my long-term plan is to tag all the posts going forward, so you can filter out by the topic out interest. If these organizational posts are boring, you can just read the numbered lists as I know you do.

This is good stuff, it'll allow me to compartmentalize how I think about writing here. And let me organize my thoughts better. Better organization means better idea of what I'll be writing about which means better flow of ideas and that means better reads.

Or so I hope. It could go either way. Knowing myself it might actually make my writing even crapper as if that's even possible. Ah well.

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