The first million words

The first million words are the hardest they say. After that, the words just jump at you.

You could choose those million words to be well-crafted works of art, you could spend hours and weeks agonizing over a thousand-word essay, poems, and biographies and nonsensical pieces that you hope are funny and you think they're humor pieces but let me tell you man you're the only person who'll ever think that. Anyway, the point being, you could spend a lifetime crafting those words, go through all the pain, and then never get to benefit the easier million words.

Or you could go my way. Get the first million out the quickest, just produce them like some dingy factory in China produces cheap synthetic t-shirts. You don't care for quality control, no one's paying you for that, all you care for are the numbers, and getting the counts up. Yeah once in a while in your run you'll end up with something good and that could elevate your brand name, or maybe not maybe it's all trash. It doesn't matter. All you care for is those million words out of the park. And then you're ready. To. Roll. Ooohhh yeahhhh.

It's less about learning the craft, for which you need teacher and guidance and proper critique...which is not what I'm going for here, wink wink...and more about getting to discover your own voice and finding yourself as a writer. You evolve eventually but need to know where you're starting from so you can see your trajectory and make the journey fun and stressless for everyone coming with you. Your teachers and your readers. And you my sweet sweet writer, you too!

The second million words, they'll come to you quicker. You'll spend more time editing and polishing, and that's what writing should be about. You shouldn't be pulling your hairs out because you're blanking out on that perfect word that could go in the third line of the seventh just get whatever you're trying to say out into the paper...electronic as it may be...and then when you go back, you fill in the blanks. You carve away the extra hanging bit, you polish crooked ends so they're not so abrasive, a varnish here a sanding there, and you've got a nice publicly-readable bit. There's no guarantee you'll get readers....words don't fill stomachs coins do....but you'll get that satisfaction and the confidence that you could just pop out another thousand piece on whatever topic you're assigned to and it's bound to be interesting one way or the other, it's bound to sell sales.

The million-word mark I may be halfway through. Because we've got the same driving motivation, I had other sweet people like me. It's important to get them connected because that just expands your network, always. it's always better to connect people if that makes sense, through the airs.

I'm sleepy and will call it a night. I still have five posts due from today: two daily journals, and three other bs. I'm thinking I'll finish those tomorrow in the morning, and write tomorrow's quota for the rest of the day. In the evening if I get the chance, I'll march further on, and complete a few more posts so my mid-month, I'll be mostly caught up with the counts. Right now, it's bed calling.

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