Seven reasons I'm not on twitter anymore

  1. It's toxic toxic toxic and going on it makes me scared afraid angry excited emotional brave feel all the emotions at the same time and I can't cope it's tooo much maaan.

  2. I can't cope and end up rt'ing a lot of political stuff which undoubtedly will create difficulties with the visa situation knowing this goddamn country so it's better to just not go there and keep my anger desperation desolation feeling of abandonment to myself and my blog not twitter.

  3. Twitter's great only when you've got a large number of followers and you put out tweets regularly. The ship that I run is quite tight, there's no space for all of that, content curation and rt'ing and all of that.

  4. Twitter's got too meme-y, can't handle memes don't care for them can't stand them would rather not be near them than otherwise. Memes suck, twitter is full of them, therefore twitter sucks, simple as that.

  5. The Nepali twitter's full of drama and nonsensical 'issues' that everyone wants to get up in arms from all sides and the onlookers look like fools it's the place where people with too much time and emotional energy go to hate other people who are very much like them but a little different.

  6. My friends aren't in there, the ones that are only tweet and retweet professional things. Don't care about that bit at all. Boring boring boring.

  7. It's too addictive this is the real reason I can totally avoid the toxic twitter can totally avoid the Nepali twitter -- never actually followed it, just like to hate on it -- it's the good twitter with folks in my field keeping me cutting edge with everything happening that makes me so informed and cool, that I'm afraid of. It's informational overnutrition, high-quality information that I keep consuming but cannot make use of in any way leading to an informational obesity.

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