Missing the big picture

In times of crisis it's hard to see the big picture. Every day looks like every other day, sad miserable and not with a clear out. There is no future you can think of that is different from a simple projected one, you expected the rest of your life to be the same. Forever and ever and ever. No growth, no changes no significant disruption. In a bad way.

And that's happening to the whole world right now. I talk to Singapore, Philippines, Hong Kong, Nepal, Netherlands, Germany, the US, New Zealand, Canada and it's all the same. Life seems to have paused, there's nothing new or good or remarkable going on. We just hope we can outlast this. We're holding tight to whatever we've got and don't want to lose anything good. Hope there's something good ahead in the future.

This is how humans must have lived for thousands, hundreds of thousands of years. Bare survival, nothing changes year after year after year except the seasons. Life is boring tedious tiring a pain and yet one must survive. Any means of escape from the dreary life is welcome...religion, singing and dancing and merrymaking, narcotics are all a fair game. There IS no big picture for little people aren't allowed to dream big and if they do dare dream so what they don't have the resources or the courage to do anything about those. They remain as they are and so do their children and their children and their children. Until someday someone gets some opportunity and the wheels begin turning. Slowly surely eventually the wheels speed up and they light up the incandescent lights the trains start steaming the big iron machines start moving a new era has begun. Their lives haven't changed necessarily in the big picture horizon, but they now have a larger say in what they want to do and where they want to be. Their horizons have expanded they can now dare to dream and work towards realizing those if they so desire.

We're stuck in that old rut right now. I think, how is tomorrow going to be different, what will I be doing next week next month next year the next decade and I can't think of anything. It's not desperation or sadness it most certainly is not depression. It's just...blank. There is nothing, things are so uncertain it seems scary to dream and imagine and plan.

Planning. That's what I miss the most. Counting on the fact that some things are going to remain the same and the whole world is not going to go mad in a matter of weeks and months. That was something reliable until recently but not anymore. You can't even count on the whole goddamn world to not go mad.

But there's hope.

I want to imagine again, and let the dreams be my guiding stars to where I take the ship of me. To a different city, to different circles to new hobbies and unexplored conversations. To people I'd never have met before. A new unexplored world that I'll be willing to make the jump to.

We need to dream big, first dare to dream again and when the time comes be in the position to make the jump. Dreams give us hope, hope is what keeps the flame alive. The flame must glow bright and warm it is our friend in these stormy times.

Keep your eyes on the big picture. Keep dreaming. Things will chance for the better soon.

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