Early awake and podcast, lowkey lunch, staying in during storm, humus and garlic bread dinner, timewasting two hours, Quick meditation, earlyish bed, [Mon 1]

 I write this at 11.36 of the same day, it's time to go to sleep, wake early tomorrow and do meditations, etcetera, and write, so al the things are in order. Let's get it done with real quick alright. Just finished 12 minutes of meditation, wasn't the best ever, but for somebody's who's lost practice in a while, it was alright. Wrote the three posts before that. Also took a bottle of the 'sleepy drink' that roommate BB brought in, full of the whatever tonic they have, melatonin, that's supposed to help you to go to sleep.

Before that, and after roommate PK cleaned up after his dinner and that mafia show session, I was just laying out down in the couch, letting go of all the limits, and spending random time on the internet. Because there was nothing good to do. That's my problem it seems, I don't have much good to do I need to figure out good fun timewasting things to do.

Before that I watched the mod show with PK and BB, and also had my dinner. Four slices of garlic bread, with a whole tonne of homemade hummus, that was far too too too garlicky. So filling they were, I also tasted a little bit of my roommates' very porky spaghetti noodles, now thinking I shouldn't have because I'm not feeling good anymore.

Before that  spent a long time making my garlic bread and hummus. before that I was just chatting up with the roomies about partners and how I need to convince somebody smart and with a good job to be with me or else my dreams of owning a house are going to remain just that, a dream.

After work, I considered going out on a walk, looked outside, it was raining, so very windy, and snowing once every so often, considered a better idea would be to stay in and talk to roommates instead. Yes I did lose my control and put on reddit for a short while, but to make up for it, I have pretty much blocked youtube on my cellphone as well as the work laptop.

Blocked in work laptop because I watched so much of the Conan show at work, didn't get anything done almost. Lots of meetings and productive things in the first half of the day, but the second half was mostly wasted because I couldn't find good things to do.

Lunch was super duper lowkey, cheese butter and bread, nothing one can brag about to friends.

In the morning, I got up at 7, alarm snoozed until 7.20, then put on Conan O Brien podcast, listened to the entire episode with hesienberg from breaking bad, it was an alright interview, not to great. Finally thought of getting up and using the restroom, except it was packed, so I couldn't write, or use that time productively.

I need to become a manager at work, that's how I'll be happy. Also wrote 200 words at work, that's how I'm going to become a better writer.

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