It's possible one of the two initial months of the year is cursed

 Because last year January was so very productive, got a lot of shit done and written, and February was...dead, productivity wise. And this year, January sucked in terms of productivity, the first few weeks of the month it was the sleep issues, then it was the lack of productivity issue, and for the last week it had been oversleeping, as in no matter what I couldn't get myself out of the bed, and then when my eyes were open, I couldn't make myself stop listening to the podcasts.

This day, the first day of February has been remarkably productive, got up early, work was decently productive, at least until lunch. Yea I didn't go out for a walk, but there was a goddamn storm out there alright, with windspeed up to 45 miles and feet and feet of was supposed to be snow anyway, they're predicting rainfall at this point, but rain and wind are not a walker's friend, and I'm in no mood to walk around enemies.

In any case, first day of the second month of the new year, the year in which we're recovering from the pandemic, and looking forward to good things. And now good things are happening, so I should be happy. Things feel random though, it can't just be the month of the year that's making a difference in my mood and motivation. It has to be something physical, clear, in my control that one can at least identify in some ways. Not just gods playing dice with people's lives. As einstein told us so clearly, god does not play dice with the universe. Not in the way we recognize dice, or the universe anyway.

Besides, February last year wasn't unproductive, it was mindblowing, so much amazing times with friends and family, in Singapore and Nepal, so that's something I should be siding towards. I didn't write but so what there were legitimate reasons to not write. Since I was in amazing ceremonies, festivals, and parties with all cousins and aunts and uncles and both sets of grandparents.

Please, dear planets, let good things happen in everybody's life again. Have the cursed things be over, we all need some good news, something nice to do, wonder, wander, and appreciate our life. Not to fear for our lives, run and cower in fear, hide in misery, afraid to talk to and be with our nearest and dearest.

We don't need to more stress, we don't need no anxiety, no more social distancing. We need more love caring, appreciation, and general goodwill for everybody, from all sides. Can we work towards just better things, chiller world, slower pace, greater thoughts and consideration, more kindness?

Please, the month of February, I don't ask for much, but this I beg of you, let this motivation run continue, if just for throughout your length, because that's how I'll build internal strength and courage to finally beat my demons, and other people's too. Help them figure it out at least. No beating other people, I promise.

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