We all know who he is and what he did

Prompt: Write a scene or story that involves a lie. How far does the lie go? What will characters do to hide—or reveal—the truth?


So you're saying you didn't hear anybody get in or out of the house in the morning, is that right Mr. K?

That is correct. I left the house at 6.30 in the morning for my regular walk, got back at 9, to find all the awful things that have happened. To my knowledge there is nothing that was strange before I left.

Interesting, and would you know anything about the cctv that appears to have suddenly stopped working after you left, and started working when you came back? Is there a reason that might be the case?

Ohh, I don't know, maybe it's the manufacturer's settings or something why would I know that, you should ask the camera company, something I brought from China, if you can get hold of them ask them. I don't know why the camera suddenly went black at one time and not at anoher. It's something that happens all the time, it was a cheap camera, I didn't spend too much money on it, so it's not surprising. Could be something to do with our house wiring, battery or something as well. It has happened in the past as well, actually. I wanted to see what was happening in the house many times in the past, and it's gone out for several occasions. In the evenings as well in the mornings, if you searched for the video records, you can see that clearly. So yeah, I will say it might be due to the poorly made camera, something to do with the software, possibly electricity or wiring, or many other possible issues. I'm not a scientist or electrician, so I cannot tell you for sure which one it is. Your people are probably more qualified to answer that questin, sorry I'm of no help there. Is my work done here, or do you still need me, because I don't know why you'd want to waste your precious investigation time with questions like these to me instead of going to the experts directly and researching upon that awful criminal.

Yes yes, we'll let you know when we're ready to let you leave Mr. K, alright, don't be so eager to leave. Spend some time with us sir, we're not going to eat you okay. Besids, we're on the same team. You have suffered a terrible loss and want to get to the root of the entire story, and it is our mission to find out what happened, since we want to preserve peace in the community as well. These sort of violent criminal actions make us look bad, make people feel unsafe. And when they feel unsafe, they don't trust us, they don't like funding us, and our respect in the society goes down, you know what I'm saying. I won't say my interest in geting to the end of this story is greater than yours but it is certainly up there. So tell me, you said you left for morning waslk at 6.30 in the morning and came back at nine, which is all well and fine, but it is your very camera that shows dates otherwise. It shows that you left your house at quarter to eight, and got back two and a half hours later, going against your mentioning of the timing earlier.

Yes, yes that might have happened. The clock in the camera could have gotten reset, or battery might have run out. Since it appears to lose power all the time, I wouldn't give it much consideration honestly, it's a bad piece of device, it's only misleading. And also maybe i ended up leaving at 6.30 in the morning, and the clock was off by one hour for some reason or another, see I don't exactly count my days into seconds and minutes, alright. In the weekends, when I don't have to go for meetings, I like to breathe and let the clock flow. I could have gotten those things wrong.

Good good, that is certainly a likely proposition sir, there's no denying that. Nothing to say there. Except, for every day preceeding the day of the incident, the time seems to be quite accurate, we talked to your driver who picks you up, and his timings matched the video timestamps, your presence in the office matched the time you'd leave house every morning. So it's looking like the clock and the camera wasn't really faulty, was it?

Maybe not, maybe I was more late than regularly, so what, is that a crime to go out for a morning walk late?

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