Moving luggage into new apartment, nacho borracho, internet setup troubles [Wed 2]

Don't remember anything from the morning or afternoon.

Friend SK was finally free in the evening, and SK, A and I took my luggage to my new apartment. I set up some base sleeping stuff. Bought a bunch of base supplies, like handsoap and toothpaste at Qfc. 

A and I went to a mexican place called Nacho Borracho, amazing chips and dip by the way, and chilled. Hung out and talked for  couple of hours. Came back to my apartment, A wouldn't leave until I'd set up my router. Tried calling the internet provider to set it up, but they wouldn't reply, it took a very long time to even get to a human being, and even then they were super unhelpful. comcast sucks, obviously.

So we took an online taxi, and rode back home wee hours of the night, with a backpack on, to be able to my dayjob the next day.

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