Busride to dollar tree, snack shopping, terrible traumatic ride back, Daiso shopping, late lunch at AKS's, drive and hike at Tacoma, latenight hang with the gang [Sat 3]

 In the morning I read up a bit, and then took a bus to belltown, from where I took the E line to the dollar tree. The wait was far too long, it was annoying. At least the bus was nice and clean.

Spent a long time at dollartree looking for flowerpots and saucers unsuccessfully. Got a lottt of snacks and cookie dough mixes though.

The busride back -- to Chinatown where I'd go to do Daiso shopping -- was terrible because there were multiple homeless people who were being gross and disgusting and aggressive and I fucking began hating the Seattle public transport system and got very aggro very soon. Also the walk by pioneer square as awful and I gotta avoid that place as much as possible. Don't understand why the city won't do anything about the situation and how the local economy of that place even runs.

Shopping for flowerpots and other knicknacks at Daiso was at least relaxing. Took the train to CapHill and walked to AKS's place. Where I'd told AKS(y) to also make lunch for me. He made the yummiest rice dal and alu ko tarkari, proper rice meal after so fucking long. I'm seriously considering getting a microwave at this point because it's like the lack of it is only hindering my cooking.

Later in the evening AR and AR(y) should up and basically tricked AKS (not us, we knew) to go on a nice pleasant ride and hike to Tacoma. The idea was to watch the sunset at the beach but that got left by the wayside because well...we missed the sun, got lost, and other various wild things happened. I also lost 10 bucks in a bet with AKS(y) that he wouldn't be able to walk straight on one of those street markings for 15+ minutes, he proved me wrong.

Drove back from the place, watched netflix, chilled, and hungout as a group after a very long time until 1.30 in the morning. AKS went to hang out with SK and party with the boys, I stayed at his place for longer because I didn't want to just abandon the girls.

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