Medical test, subway lunch, unpacking new plants, volunteer park walk, with the gang to Gasworks, rancho bravo dinner, hot churros [Thu 1]

 I'm writing this six days after the day. The disruption in normal posts hasn't been that big, but for journals it has been because I think it's the easiest to write so I'll keep it for later after doing the harder bit first, and then never get around to doing the 'easy bits' which is a bit of a comedy but whatever.

So after finally scheduling medical tests, I went for my lab test this day, walked to the Swedish hospital after making an online Subway order. The test was pretty quick, the results are out too. Nothing to worry about diabeetus-wise. Though my bp was a little concerning, I suspect that might have been because I was drinking the night before, it was a terrible decision. Also my cholesterol level is at a level that should be concerning, but I'll figure out what I need to do soonish.

Walked to Subway from the lab, listening to the spilled milk podcast. Collected my sandwhich, and because I hadn't had anything to eat for 14+ hours, just sat there and ate, which was pretty nice, had never done that before.

Back home, I finally unpacked the new plants and put them on the window sill, watered them too. I'm eager to see them grow and finally take over my apartment. It'll be great!

In the evening went to walk to Gasworks park, walked back to Volunteer park and then to AKS's place. Waited for the girls to show up (Just ARe, actually) and the three of us went to Gasworks par to watch sunset. It was terribly timed because by the time we got there the sun had long since set. We talked about the girls' recent San Diego trip.

Drove back to CapHill, we got dinner at rancho bravo, I think I might have passed because my lunch had been massive, I did get churros though. It was so hot and yummy, it burnt my tongue and a little bit of my throat. I also saw the most beautiful girl I've seen in recent memory and she looked pretty single, a grad student at Seattle U would be my guess, shoulda reached out to talk to her, but there was lots happening and I didn't get the time. The rest of the gang went to AKS's roof, I went home because there was lotta writing to be done.

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