My plan to expand my circle is working, maybe

 This will be a quick one because I don't want to be toooo navel-gazey about all the wonderful achievements I've made, because that's not how it's worked out but still.

So I got in touch with pg and hung out with her, her bf y, and her friend A. Plus a tonne of people. Met the couple one more time, and hung out with A yet another time. Which means maybe we're on the path of proper friendship instead of awkward acquaintanceship? Hope so!

I'm in a comedy class right now and of course it's really hard to tell if you're going to be friend with a really diverse group of people most of whom have really diverse interests and requirements and politics from you, but if there's anything that connects people it's being embarrassed in front of each other, so the comedy should connect us! Also there's a Nepali bro in the class, I gotta hang out more with him and sneak into his group of friends / make him join my group.

Hangs with BC are ongoing, hung out with a bunch of her friends, gotta hang with lots more, invite people more often.

Also gotta invite basically everybody more often to my places, it's going to be so great, being comfortable and cosy in my living room, eating warm food and watching tv yum yum yum, I'm looking forward to all of this working out exactly as I hope and being massively wealthy in terms of friendly connections!

Fingers crossed!

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