Standup comedy class is starting tomorrow and I'm freaking out, aka Report from the trenches after coming back

 So this is a double jeopardy. I wrote the title yesterday, before I went to the comedy class, about how I was so afraid and freaking out and didn't know what I'd be doing and am I really ready for this. And now as I write this the next day, an hour into coming back from the class, things have changed considerably.

I didn't know the structure of the class. I didn't know what the vibe was going to be like, I didn't know what the teacher would be like, and had no idea about the diversity of the student population. I was afraid about other people's skills and comfort levels. And it was driving me into a very uncomfortable place.

Now that I've been to the class, I can I guess review, of sorts, just a general commentary on what the situation was like.

First thing, there was yet another nepali dude in the class, which is -- what a coincidence right? -- and not anybody of Indian origin and only a single person of East Asian origin. Nepalis were heavily over-represented, which was a pleasant feeling.

The class was quite diverse in its demographics, with the biggest group being white women who want to talk about their dating lives. There's a british dude who's so funny I really hope he gets real big because...hmmm I guess there's some real good British comedians. Also there's a Syrian doctor who's smart and pretty funny but openly horny in a not very threatening way, I'm imagining that's worked out for some folks already because...that's how...people work. etcetera.

They're all mostly newbs, it was quite clear, and I feel better. The teacher is nice and appreciates the need for having a diverse group of comedians.

What surprised me was the fact that everybody was pretty decent. I was not laughing at everybody all the time, but I was never disappointed, never groaned or rolled my eyes, ever got embarrassed second-hand. There were no bombings. It was awesome.

I did well. My first set, which was a prepared joke, was pretty good though I fucked up the delivery because i was reading it from my phone. My second joke kinda' sucked because it didn't have a punch line as I had no time to think of a good joke but I got a couple of pointers from the teacher.

All in all, a great experience, I should most definitely hang out with those folks more often and also get to know the Nepali bro more. And also go to more amateur comedy nights etcetera.

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