Either be writing and reading, or be walking and talking

This is a reminder to myself. For the last couple of days I've been low on energy, tired for no clear reason, and been not writing. Mostly been spending watching tv or well...not doing much. That's no good. If I ain't reading or writing or thinking (illustrating comes under this too!) I need to be walking or working out. That's it. It's okay to not write, even on this blog, but the wasted time needs to go towards moving my bod around, towards making me healthier. Either be working on the body, or on the mind, but not on neither. It's not about productivity hack or motivation or anything like that, it's basic self-care, and allowing oneself to get to a state where the body is refusing to move is not what well-adjusted decently-performing adults do. We need to reframe the issue not as one of motivation or laziness, but un-optimized food and workout routing, and work towards fixing our lists and policies.

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