Long time to clean kitchen, new classes, low energy [Mon 8]

low on energy, new quarter of art class begins, volunteer park walk, cleaning the house after the weekend party, hours taken, thenthuk lunch, fapar tapa and sprouts dinner, accidentally woozy, high on energy and then crash, call from home, early to bed due to energy crash

Writing this the evening of the following day, having pretty much caught up on several days worth of writing. Still need to get back on the 'website' train, but that shall wait, as I'm still recovering with energy levels.

This day I had low energy, and ended up not doing any of the planned tasks, anything from checklist, or writing here. Fortunately did the work writing, which made me feel good. Was extraordinarily unproductive at work also. In the afternoon went to the art class and didn't get much completed there either. Came home, had a big ole' lunch of thenthuk, and went on walk to Volunteer park, after cleaning my kitchen for an hour-and-half, which was tiring. Accidentally got drunk on a little bit of chhyang, and was excessively high energy through the walk. Came back, talked to family still high on energy, had dinner of fapar, tama and sprouts, and then came in to write and meditate, but couldn't, because all the energy had been sapped away, and I just crashed. Slept at 9pm, in bed at 12. Pity. I'd feel low energy for the next day as well, has to do with the chhyang surely.

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