Never to surrender on your personal plans after minor failures is the way to go

This is one of those silly and obvious things that I keep having to remind myself because that's how I can reward good habits and discourage bad ones.

It turns out that everyday is a new battle, for one to fight on the side of progress and growth, against stasis and laziness and devolution. Why is this important? Because in the past, say when I've done checklists, I do them for a couple of weeks, or couple of months and give up, because what's the point, I didn't live by them so might as well give up on that. But no, that's not the way to go, it turns out. The right way to do it is start anew every day, and think: do I benefit from doing this habit, is this something I want to do long-term, regardless of what happened yesterday, or is it not worth my time? If the answer to that is yes, then it doesn't matter what I did yesterday, or the year before, or the decade before, I should do it that day anyway. Everyday is one new step to progress, and looking back to check how I might have climbed down in previous days won't take me forward.

And that holds for everything else. Workouts, meditations, writing habits, cooking habits, social habits, etcetera. So what if I got off the cart, I'm climbing back in, because the journey is a long one, and I don't want to do it alone, on foot, without shoes, in hail and snow. No, I want to be back in the tent, with everybody else, to comfort and growth. To keep up good habits, the idea is to never ever ever surrender, never ever ever give up, regardless of how many battles might have been won or how many lost in previous eras. One must keep on going, and going, and going, like the energizer bunny. One. Day. At. A. Time.

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